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Citizenship Amendment Act

The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is a law passed by the Parliament of India in December 2019. It provides a path to Indian citizenship for certain religious minorities from neighboring countries, specifically Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians who migrated to India from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan before December 31, 2014.


Critics of the CAA argue that it is discriminatory because it excludes Muslims and undermines the secular principles enshrined in the Indian Constitution. They also express concerns that the law, when combined with other proposed measures like the National Register of Citizens (NRC), could be used to target and marginalize Muslim communities in India.


Supporters of the CAA argue that it is necessary to protect persecuted religious minorities in neighboring countries and that it does not affect the citizenship status of Indian Muslims. They contend that the law is a humanitarian gesture to provide refuge to those who face religious persecution.


The CAA sparked widespread protests across India, with demonstrations erupting in various parts of the country. Critics and protesters argue that the law is discriminatory and unconstitutional. The government has defended the law, asserting that it does not violate the principles of equality and secularism.


The CAA remains a controversial and divisive issue in Indian politics, and its implications continue to be debated and contested.


Acquisition of Indian citizenship

A special provision exists for the submission of applications for Indian Citizenship under the Citizenship Amendment Act of 2019. It is specifically for individuals who entered India on or before 31st December, 2014, and belonging to Hindu or Sikh or Buddhist or Jain or Parsi or Christian community from Pakistan or Afghanistan or Bangladesh.


For more detailed information, individuals may refer to the provisions outlined in the Citizenship Act of 1955.


Individuals who wish to submit an application must have their own unique email ID and mobile number.


Applicant may click on button “click to submit application for Indian Citizenship under CAA 2019” and log in using your personal email ID and mobile number.


Q. Who are eligible to apply for Indian citizenship under CAA, 2019?

Answer : Persons belonging to Hindu or Sikh or Buddhist or Jain or Parsi or Christian community from Afghanistan or Bangladesh or Pakistan, and –

(i) Who entered into India on or before 31.12.2014; and

(ii) Who has been exempted by or under section 3(2)(c) of the Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920 or from the application of the provisions of the Foreigners Act, 1946 or any rule or order made thereunder.


What is the process of application under Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 (CAA)?

Answer : The application from the person covered under the CAA will have to be made under section 6B of the Citizenship Act, 1955. This application will be available online at and mobile application namely CAA-2019.


What is the procedure for submitting the citizenship application under section 6B?

Answer : The applicant has to submit the application online to the Empowered Committee through the District Level Committee (DLC) headed by Designated Officer (DO). For this purpose, the applicant may visit or mobile application namely CAA-2019. By answering simple questionnaire, the online system will prompt the applicant to the form as per his/her eligibility as indicated below:-

S.No. Form Number Category of persons eligible

1 IIA A person of Indian origin, for registration as a citizen of India

2 IIIA A person who is married to a citizen of India for registration as a citizen of India

3 IVA A person who is a minor child of a person who is a citizen of India, for registration as a citizen of India

4 VA A person whose parents are registered as a citizen of India, for registration as a citizen of India

5 VIA A person who or either of the parents was a citizen of Independent India, for registration as a citizen of India

6 VIIA A person who is registered as an Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder, for registration as a citizen of India

7 VIIIA For grant of citizenship by Naturalization The applicant may fill up the relevant form, attach all requisite documents mentioned in the Form and make payment of fee of Rs. 50/- online.

At the application stage itself, the applicant may opt for receiving the ink signed copy of the certificate of registration or certificate of naturalization. Ink signed copy of the certificate will be issued to the applicant only if he/ she has opted for the same at the application stage. In all other cases, a digital certificate of registration or certificate of naturalization will be issued.

On submission of application, an acknowledgment will be auto-generated electronically which will be available to the applicant.


Q. How will the citizenship certificate be issued to the applicant?

Answer : The applicant who has applied for grant of citizenship by registration or naturalisation will be issued a digital certificate of registration. Ink signed copy of the certificate of registration or naturalisation will be issued only if the applicant has opted for the same at the application stage and this will have to be collected by the applicant from the office of the Empowered Committee i.e. the office of the Director (Census Operations) of the State/Union Territory concerned located in the State/ UT capital.


Q. I am a foreigner and want to acquire Indian citizenship. How and where should I apply to acquire Indian Citizenship?

Answer : Please visit MHA website . You may verify your eligibility under relevant provisions of Section 5 and Section 6 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 mentioned therein and fill relevant Form online, upload required documents and pay the prescribed fee.


Answer : Printout of online filled application Form has to be submitted in the office of District collector/ District Magistrate /Deputy Commissioner(herein after

referred as district Collector) of the area where the applicant is ordinarily resident. If the applicant is residing outside India, the printout of the application should be submitted to the Consular General of India.

Q. How do I come to know about the progress/status of my citizenship application?
Answer : You may verify status of your application on MHA Furthermore, you would be intimated through email and SMS about the progress.
Q. I am unable to fill the Form in MHA website Whom should I contact for help?
Answer : Please contact MHA helpdesk at email: support[dot]ctznoci[at]mha[dot]gov[
About Indian Citizenship
Indian citizenship can be acquired by birth, descent, registration and naturalization.
The conditions and procedure for acquisition of Indian citizenship as per the provision
of the Citizenship Act, 1955 can be read at the Link : ACQUISITION
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